Dunn's Woods - Mapping and Controlling the Invasive Plant Species
Photo by Chris Meyer. Courtesy of Indiana University.
Dunn's Woods is a beautiful wooded island in the middle of the Indiana University campus that has unfortunately been invaded by a number of non-native plants. This leads to the displacement of the native wildflowers in the woods, and decreases the tree regeneration and growth. MC-IRIS members assisted Indiana University in mapping the invasive plants found in Dunn's Woods in 2011 and then held two work days in 2012 to spray the purple wintercreeper infestation found throughout the woods. Members from Sassafras Audobon, Sycamore Land Trust, City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation, Eco Logic LLC, and Indiana University worked together on the invasive control work days. Many woody invasive species were treated as well, including Asian bush honeysuckle, common buckthorn, privet, and burning bush. We sprayed the wintercreeper foliage with a 5% solution of triclopyr (Garlon 3a) / 95% water and we used a 20% triclopyr (Garlon 4) / 80% carrier oil for a basal bark treatment on the woody invasive stems. MC-IRIS will follow up to make sure these invasive species are effectively controlled, while Indiana University has planted hundreds of native plants through the woods to reclaim the bare areas.